
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Main Offices

This is where you can find the Offices of all the Admins and Mods and ask them any questions you may have.

Moderator: THE GOD

Sub-boards: THE GOD's Office, K-Jayy's Office, Fiona's Office

3 4 testing....
by Fiona
Sept 19, 2009 20:34:14 GMT -7
No New Posts Suggestions

Have an idea you think could improve the site? Make it more fun or interesting? Leave it here!

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No New Posts Link Me

Know of an amazingly fun and exciting site, with fun players or great info? Think everyone should know about it? Feel free to shout about it from the rooftops here!

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No New Posts Staff Room

This is where the staff come to chat and relax and occasionally talk business when needed.

1 15
No New Posts Character Signatures

Need help making a character signature? Or are you offering to make them, either way come here.

Moderator: ~+*Ashley*+~

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No New Posts Archives

This is where we put all the old ended threads, if you need them returned tell an admin.

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No New Posts Rules

I think you all know the great importance of these. You absolutely must read them. All guidelines, restrictions, rules, etc... will be posted here. We may or may not update them in time. You'll just have to keep checking back with us.

1 1 Rules
Aug 10, 2006 13:04:49 GMT -7
No New Posts Plotting

Here is where our main plot shall reside. You may also post personal plots for your characters, or short-term plots. We're friendly and welcome new ideas! Also, plot-pages for your characters should be posted here.

Sub-board: Plot Pages

3 7 VAMPIRE: Incarti, Rowan
by Rowan Incarti
Aug 31, 2009 18:40:30 GMT -7
No New Posts Get Started!

Here is where you come to get started on Jaylin! You can post your characters here, find the requirements, guidelines, and help. Be sure to wait until you are accepted to start roleplaying. Until then, go have fun in the IC boards. :]

Sub-boards: Requirements, Accepted!, Pending!

8 13 Allegiance Form
by Fiona
Aug 30, 2009 13:21:04 GMT -7

``Human Territory.

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No New Posts The Royal Palace

This is the capitol of the Allegiance of Humans. It stands in the center of the town, walls surrounding it made of stronge gray stones. The inside is much the same, made of the gray stones, band together to create the strong and beautiful structure. Not ust anybody can waltz on in here, for it is heavily guarded.

Sub-boards: The Royal Chambers, Grand Hallway, The Courtyard, The Dungeon, Guard's Barracks, Servant's Quarters

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No New Posts The Merchant Quarter

Here is where the entrepeneurs and farmers of the kingdom spend most of their time. There is everything here, from tea shops to save markets, horses for sale, to unicorns. There is also said to be a black market.

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No New Posts Cacion Temple

This temple is actually quite a distance from the town itself. It is hidden in the mountains that are behind the palace, where the courtyard ends. Not many know of this place, for it is where the royal family sends their Secret Agents, known as the AHSA, to train and dwell. This is a safe haven to any of the royal family, whenever they need to escape for if they are under attack, or have hear rumors of assasination plots against them.
This place is practically its own community, with its own healers and blacksmiths. They have stable hands and whatnot. They have a field behind the temple where they grow their food and raise livestock. During the winter this place becomes drenched with tons of snow, so they royal family sends their most trusted advisors with food and goods they need to survive the winter before the snow falls.

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No New Posts Lyra's Inn

Though its called Lyra's Inn, there is nobody named Lyra running the place. Lyra was the name of the first queen of the humans.
Come here to kick some shoes off, and have a drink. Fights pop up here every now and again, but the help won't tolerate it and they will kick you out faster than you could say "Stop."
Rooms here are not too expensive, and you are allowed to stay as long as you like. The rooms are cozy, each containing a bed, a wash place, a window, and a stove.

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No New Posts Tiaysu Gardens

These gardens were siad to have been brought up by the ancient ancestors of the Royal Family when they first arrived upon this place. It is indeed an ancient, but beautiful garden. There are white stone walls surrounding it, vines and moss growing up them as if trying to touch the skies. A small stream runs don the middle. This place is full of trees that blossom flowers, and others that give off delectable fruit. Every type of vegitation or flower you can imagine really. Ther is also a maze of flowers through here.

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No New Posts Village

Here is where all the citizens of the Kingdom reside. The Eastern half is full of the aristocratic and rich citizens, with elaborate houses that an average citizen could only dream of having. On the Eastern side is also where anybody who has a farm and farmhouse would live. The Western side of the village is where the poor and middle-class dwell. The living arrangements range from a decently sized house, to a one bedroom cottage. You will find kids playing on the street, and people on horseback. Just be careful, it can be dangerous at night.

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``Lands of Farr.

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No New Posts Ancient Palace

Here is where the Elven King and Queen of Farr reside. The palace is made of marble, sleek and shining. The palace is created elegantly, not really long or wide, but very tall. Its incredible spires can be seen from nearly anywhere throughout Jaylin. There are beds of white roses all along the bottom of the Palace, fields of them in fact. Just being in such a place could raise your spirits.
Tall silvery gates surroun the palace, they are barred gates, so you can see into the Palace Grounds through them. Many sit around the gates and near the fountains of water that run around it, simply admiring the beauty of the architecture.
There are no stairs in this palace, only a magically enchanted teleportation pad. There is are eight spells for this teleportation pad, one for each story of the palace and the skyway. Not everyknows every spell, for some locations, such as the Seventh Story, are forbidden to all.

Sub-boards: The Catacombs, First Story, Second Story, Third Story, Fourth Story, Fifth Story, Sixth Story, Seventh Story, Imperial Skyway

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No New Posts Marketplace

This busy marketplace is the center of all the Creature Commerce.
They sell many things here, from weapons, to fur coats, to herbs and spices, to paint. Slavery is outlawed in the Lands of Farr, so there is absolutely no slave trade unless there is an underground Black Market. Rumors of a Black Market have risen up recently, but the guards just laugh in the face of the rumor, for they don't think it really exists.

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No New Posts Demma Temple

This is where all Light Beings come to worship the Gods and Goddesses of which they choose. There are preists and preistesses here whom preach every morning and evening. There are places to offer tithes and sacrifice your goods.

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No New Posts Aroids Safe Haven

All creatures are welcome here, and will be well taken care of. Even humans who are not allied with the King and Queen of humanity find comfort here.
This is a large gated off area, like a utopia really. Its residents are well-fed and live in decently comfortable places, though they may not be rich and big. All the residents are expected to contribute to the community, whether it be knitting blankets, harvesting crops, or becoming a healer. There are gardens here, and farms, places where livestock are kept, and a small pond.
Most who live in the lands of Farr reside here.

Sub-boards: The Hideout, Fiona's Sanctuary

1 17 A Quiet Moment...
by Fiona
Sept 19, 2009 20:58:57 GMT -7
No New Posts Earth Temple

This sacred place is located on the Western outskirts of Farr hidden deep within a small wood. Most of it is underground, so it is quite difficult to find. The Earth Sages live here, along with their apprectices, all practicing the art of magical bending earth, and living by the rule of the God of Earth.

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No New Posts Fire Temple

Located on the Southern outskirts of Farr, this place is quite easy to spot. It is created purely of onyx, the black standing out in a bright summer day. The sacred Fire Sages and their followers live here, living by the rule of the Goddess of Fire.

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No New Posts Water Temple

This is the largest of the four temples. It is located on the Northern outskirts of Farr. It is uniquely designed, primarily so that only those who can manipulate water to their advantage may enter. The entrance is underwater, in a small lake at the base of the Northern Mountains. Half of the temple is below the water. The other half is about the water, and it is right at the base of the Mountains, therefore it is typically covered with snow in the winter, and shrouded with rain in the summer. The Water Sages and their apprentices dwell here, living by the rule of the God of Water.

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No New Posts Air Temple

This temple is probably the most difficult to get to, and probably the most secretive. It is located on the Eastern outskirts of Farr, though it is not on the ground. This temple floats high in the sky, typically hidden with clouds so the average eye cannot see it. The only way to get here is if you can fly, or control air. The Air Sages reside here with their apprentices, living by the rule of the Goddess of Air.

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``Cursed Lands.

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No New Posts Shadowed Castle

Tall, errie spires that reach higher than the eye can see. The towers of this castle are sleek, and dark, made purely of obsidian and onyx, creating its endless black color. Gray clouds roll over the tops of the spires, making the task of determining their height nearly impossible. The grounds are barren surrounding the castle, most of the plants frozen in an icy prison due to lack of sunlight. The inside of the castle is filled with an endless maze of staircases, and dark hallways and rooms. There are few windows throughout the entire castle, so it is primarily lit with candles, constantly being changed by palace-slaves. Don't wander in her, for the Vampire Queen and Demon King are not the kindest of people.

Sub-boards: Darkened Chambers, Dining Hall

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No New Posts Dark Forest

If you are looking for excitement, and scares, the Dark Forest is for you. Beware of those you meet here, for you might run some dubious characters, including vampires.

Sub-board: Rowan's Turf

1 1 My Turf
by Rowan Incarti
Aug 30, 2009 9:45:13 GMT -7
No New Posts Zercharin Temple

The temple where all Dark Beings come to worship their Gods and Godesses

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No New Posts Palace

This is where the Atlantian King resides.

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No New Posts Atlantis

This is where the Atlantian city lies. PM an admin for a place.

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No New Posts The Suburbs

This is where many Atlantians live or hang around. PM an Admin for a place.

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No New Posts Open Water

This is where the wild water creatures stay, many mermaids come here too.

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``Jaylin's Heart.

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No New Posts Lake Lanau

This is a silvey, large lake that stretches vasly. On the Northern side (which is said to be inaccesible,) you can see snow-peaked mountains. It lays right in the middle of all of Jaylin, all the territorial lands lying to the west of it.
There is a that begins in the snow-peaked mountains, flows fown through the lake, then back out to the coast. Some mermaids have been seen in the lake, for they swim upriver, preferring the freshwater. A small commuity of them is said to lie at the bottom of the lake.

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No New Posts Natuoe Coast

This is a long coast where mermaids and mermen come to see the rest.

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No New Posts Myloe Meadows

These are large meadows where most unicorns and pegasus reside. Farmers and pilgrims make their home here too. PM an Admin to stake your plot of land.

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No New Posts Enchanted Forest

This is a large beautiful forest. Many griffons are here and many other creatures make their homes here. PM an Admin to get a cottage/roost/dwelling here.

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No New Posts Aries River

This is a long river starting at lake Kanaya and flowing down towards the ocean leading to Atlantis.

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No New Posts Haitus Springs

These are relaxing springs that people come to rest and get their mind off things of stress.

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No New Posts Mystic Falls

This is a clear blue water fall, it is very beautiful. The is a secret cove behind it, but only a special group of people can get in, and they are the only ones who know how to get through, none others are elidgable to enter.

Sub-board: Cove

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``Kiriko Ranch.

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No New Posts Barn

This is where all the animals sleep at night.

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No New Posts Paddocks

There are many paddocks, most are for the horses, and others for the cows.

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No New Posts House

White River Ranch is basically a job for maidens and farm boys around, they all live here, this is a very big house, and they work around the ranch. PM an Admin for a room.

Sub-board: Saria's Room

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No New Posts Mudd Grounds

This is a swamp of mudd basically, this is where most pigs come to cool off, and cows come too.

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No New Posts Coco Falls

These are large water falls that many of the animals come to drink from, many of the maidens and farmboys come to get the ranches water.

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